A lost bunny!

One morning I was sleeping in my bed room. The window was open. The window gave me a part sun on to my eyes that slipped out of my blanket. My eyes started to open slightly. With no clear vision, I felt a shadow on my face. Quite an unusual object for the morning. I raised my head out of blanket and looked at it with more enthusiasm. Suddenly it jumped in! I say “Aaaa” with a fright, I jumped out of bed. Then I saw it. A white fluffy bunny it was. Then i was like “Awww cute” 😀 With a smile I took it in my arms. I cuddled it and hugged it and kissed it soo much. It was soo fluffy and cute. I gave it food and let it sleep with me on my bed.

Suddenly… knock knock… Someone behind the door! OMG! its my mom! She will kill me if she see him in my room. So, i quickly dropped him in my cupboard. Opened the door and mom came in. she asked about the bunny and I was shocked. Did she saw I hiding him? But she said she was chasing it away. She personaly like the bunny. But if my father see him, he will kill him and beat her for taking him in. So if my mom scare it away, everyone can be safe. But with a knocking sound on the cupboard, the bunny jumped right in front of mom. I begged her soo much to find a way to let him stay with me. But she had no choice to take him away from my home. I picked him and hugged him soo much and before I can give him a kiss, she took it away from me. I cried all the day for him.

My mom took it far away in to some jungle. I can only hope that there is no lion or tiger to eat him and he can find family.

A ear shattering sound woke me up!!! I’m locked inside a small dirty cage. The shop keeper dropped in a some carrot for me to eat! Yes… I was that lost bunny! 😥